Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bread Ties @ Taman Melawati


here a short update.

macaroons  100gram for RM8.90

black larva chocolate  at  RM5.90

but there are also sandwiches, pasta and many others. i shall say it's a great deli cafe. click here for more info Bread Ties at Taman Melawati.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan :)

assalamualaikum and salam ramadhan.

tak terlewat lagi untuk ucapkan selamat menyambut ramdhan al-mubarak. semoga ramdhan kali ni lebih baik.  :)

red velvet-choclate chips cookies-egg tart-caramel pudding

try bake it. lagi-lagi sendiri buat. lagi sedap.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Salam to all dear readers..

Actually dh lame dah sy n wina g mkn kat seOul garden tp skrg bru sy ad mase nak update..
n seOul garden mmg best for grill n steamboat lovers.. 
Sbb kat seOul garDen hav both steambOat n griLL....
Rempah ratus hasil perap seOul garden mmg yummy..
Tambah lazat if anda smue mkn grill plus salad n cicah dgn sos yg disediakan..
we can choose wateva we want cuz da pOwer iz in our hand..
So jgn lupe try mkn di SEOUL GARDEN...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Danau Kota


This are some of the shot from Noodles Station. the food were okay. not great. and the price is okay too. suits to what it taste like. but it is not suggested to go there. seriously.

 can't remember the drink but the colour really attract me.

 kuew teow goreng

 tom yam noodles

this one is not from Noodles Station. it's Carl's Jr.

does not achieve the satisfactory level

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

i hav sumthin to share but i will write this in melayu cuz my englsh is really2 bad...
Hari ni sy try bt grilled chicken n Alhamdulillah sy bjaye..Resepi ni sy amek dri internet..Thnkz sgt kat org y tulis resepi ni...Resepi ni sng je..Smue org InsyaALLAH kalau cube mesti jadik..
Korang hanya perlukan:

Bahan perap bt ayam:
Halia+Lada Hitam (Tumbuk)
sos tiram
Stok Ayam (Tp Stok Daging lagi best)
Perahan Limau /Lemon
*Kuantiti bahan ikut cita rasa. Campur semua bahan ni n gaul kan dgn ayam n bia jap bg bhn perapan tu meresap n bakar ats non-stick pan. Jangan lupe basahkan ayam dengan minyak sedikit.

Utk Sos:
Bawang Kecil (Tumbuk tp biar kasar)
3SB Sos Tiram
1SB Kicap
1SB Sos Chili /Tomato
1/2 Stok Daging/Ayam
Cendawan Butang (Kalau suka)
1SB Lada Hitam(Tumbuk)
1SB Tepung Gandum
Butter(Mengantikan Minyak)
*Masukkn butter n tumis bawang. Bila dah kekuningan sedikit masukn cendawan jika mahu.
Kemudian masukn kesemua bahan yg disebut. Bancuhkan tepung gandum dgn air supaya tidak berketul
Akhir sekali boleh dihidangkan bersama grilled chicken, kentang lenyek n lain2.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Foods From Cameron Highland


since this friend of mine do not update this FOOD blog, i'll help her to post all the foods that i've been eating all this while. and yeah, of course they are all in my stomach now. =D

 english breakfast. scones. and it's good to be eaten with the cream and jam.

 strawberry cheesecake from Bharat Tea Centre

 complete set of evening tea. have it with your family and it taste even more delicious.

see this? it's the strawberry muffin. freshly baked and it's still warm.

so, if you do have time, go and visit Cameron Highland and taste all this freshly home made foods.

New writers

I just invited my friends to join this makan-makan blog :)

I do hope, this blog will finally be filled with lots of foooooooooods and stuffs :)

